For the first time in eight years, I was by myself in my own house for five days. And I loved every minute of it. Now don't get me wrong, I love my family. I enjoy their company...most of the time. But Mama needed some rejuvenation on many levels and she got it. Even though I worked that week, I came home to our little house and pretended to be a woman who had no obligations to anyone but herself. It was divine.
I decided I was going to sew. Some of you know that I had aspirations around this at some point. My hope was when we moved here that's what I would be doing - designing and sewing and hopefully, selling. But we didn't count on being in such a little house. Put four people in this house and there is no room for sewing. Unless you are very organized and efficient at it, which I am neither of those things. So, I hadn't sewn for over a year. The living room look like it had exploded.

I started off easy, deciding to forgo patterns and do a elastic waist skirt for Anna Mae that my sister-in-law, Laurie, turned me onto. Here are the two skirts finished. I haven't got my little monkey to model them for me yet.

The sugar skull fabric is called "Glitter Skull" by Alexander Henry and is a bit longer than the other but both are good for school clothes. Oooh, but now I've got a sewing itch that needs to be scratched. I have got to have a plan so 365 days or more don't pass by me again. Hear me now believe me later: I shall sew before school starts again...somehow.
How could someone not be inspired by such fun fabric? Oh, and five glorious days to yourself, yeah...that did help.

Perfect skirt to start off your school days in the bible belt don't you think?