Look at that peanut.

Now look at that handsome ten year old boy.
I am in disbelief.
How does time fly so quickly and seem to inch by so slowly at the same time? It is a phenomenon that continues to baffle my little brain.
My creature of habit child turned ten in January. He decided he wanted to go bowling again like he did last year. So we indulged him. After all, how many times do you turn ten?

The cake choice/"theme" was Whimpy Kid. Our kid couldn't get enough of these books over the Winter. So we indulged him. After all, any reading from our reluctant reader is good reading.

We had to improvise with the decorations. There are no Whimpy Kid decorating sets at the party stores

I ask you, how could I not put this picture in? Everybody sing with me...

The next ten years of Gavin...I think about that and know that I am in the midst of a boy who will be a young man in the blink of an eye. And I get to be a part of that journey...the good, the bad, and the ugly. Stay tuned.