We have a middle schooler and a second grader?
How can that be? Someone please help me understand how quickly time passes yet can seem like an eternity all at the same time. Where is a metaphysicist when you need one?
So three out of four of us get the Summers off then have to transition all over again to 9 months of getting up to an alarm clock. Oh, how I wish it was four out of four. But hey, we are lucky to have an academic parent in the family who graciously parents our kids during the summer and after school. Since we've lived here they haven't had to have any kind of after school care or summer camps because of two working parents. We are fortunate to have this arrangement.
Call me jealous.
So without further adieu...I present those returning to school for the 2012-2013 academic year.

Officially in Middle School now...

Officially in Second Grade now...

He was 7 when we moved here...oh, dear lord.

Where did our baby go?

Ollie is sooo ready for them all to go back to school.