We were able to travel to Ohio and Indiana to celebrate Thanksgiving with both families. Knowing that we possibly weren't going to be there for Christmas made the time even more dear.
Thanksgiving day was spent in Ohio with the Kileys at Kevin and Laurie's Loveland home 2.0! They have been through a trying year (and more) of renovations. They could have been on Renovation Realities quite honestly. But they forged through and we got to reap the rewards of spending quality family time in their lovely home.
The weather was warm enough for Gramma Cece to take a spin on the scooter...

Uncle Scott showed off his new guns...

Aunt Shannon and the girls took the flatcoats for a walk...or did the dogs walk them?

The boys stood still long enough to get a picture...

And the girl cousins got their craft on with Aunt E-E...

Kevin, once again, out did himself in the gorgeous new kitchen!

While Erin outdid herself with the cranberry sauce. Although I have to note she made a wicked apple kuchen that we all loved.

Dinner was served...

And thanks was given...

Laurie had dish duty in her beautiful kitchen...

And a football game was watched...

And then we went over the river and through the woods to Indiana for the Gallagher Thanksgiving.
Cousining ensued. Raphael, we discovered, has become quite the pastry chef and brought us his meringues to sample. I dare say they were better than Gaga Debbi's!
After dinner, cookies from Linne's bakery were brought out for dessert for the kids.

Do you think they were disappointed with the dessert?

I got to snuggle with my youngest nephew, Phillip...

While Aunt Cindy gave Anna a crochet lesson...

While our resident photog, also brother, father, uncle and son, was caught giving out photography advice...
An attempt was made to get all the cousins together to get a picture. First we got this one...
Then this gaggle of Gallagher cousins decided to do this...
One last photo with Gaga and Papa and their new puppy, Maggie before we headed back (sniff, sniff)
How grateful we are to be surrounded by the people we love.
It makes us want to jump for joy!