Our yard may be unkempt and a little worse for wear but Mother Nature decided that we deserved some Spring beauty as much as the next person. This little pearl of a flower is called the green dotted snowdrop. Isn't it precious?
We also have an invasive weed growing in our yard that I fell in love with when we lived in France. Back then ignorance was bliss. I didn't know it was an invasive weed. I just loved how it framed the old buildings in the medieval villages we visited. Ah, wisteria, why do you you have to be so wild? It's too much work to tame you. I don't have the time...I have children. But I love you, none the less. Thank you for invading my tired little yard.

And even though we cut down all the overgrown azalea bushes hiding our sweet little house...

...one petite specimen survived hidden among some brush along side of the drive way.

And in the backyard, near the side door is a Camellia bush. It's like a rose bush without all the trouble. Plus it's an evergreen and sometimes even blooms in the Winter. Originally from Japan, they have found a home in South Carolina. I'm so glad we have one in our yard.

But not all Spring beauty is obvious. Sometimes you have to look for it. And as you know dear readers, I have become enamored with the plethora of mushroom varieties growing here in South Carolina. And our back 40...yards didn't disappoint mama. And I so want to know what kind of mushrooms these are...they could be edible. How fun would that be? So maybe one of you would feel inspired to be a mushroom sleuth. There may be a yummy mushroom meal in your future.

Here is specimen number two:

I've done a little search but haven't been able to identify them yet. But I love them just the same.
Finally, in all its delicate glory, a dogwood bloomed right outside our breakfast nook door. The blooms stayed for what seemed forever. But eventually they fell to the ground to be replaced by tender leaves.

Thank you, Mother Nature, for the sweet gift you bestowed upon us undeserving lazy gardeners. We're so grateful.