The Gallagher Cousin Chaos was a sight to behold. Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny even made an appearance

An impromptu egg hunt ensued with the Kiley Cousins. Small, intimate but challenging, the hunt seemed to scratch their egg hunt itch.

Or so we thought...
...Presbyterian College has a community Easter Egg Hunt the Sunday before Easter. I thought it was the perfect opportunity for a yummy Spring Brunch before the hunt. After all, we live right across the street from the college and if the kids get to fill their baskets with candy shouldn't we parents get something out of it too. I have to say, I went a little overboard on the whole brunch thing. Plus, I was scarily organized...just ask the Professor. Those of you who know me know that isn't one of my strong suits.
The table setting was being guarded by two lovely lime green gnomes. Know that I am strongly resisting the urge to use the word "tablescape". That word is like nails on a chalkboard for me but thanks to Sandra Lee on "Semi-homemade" it has become THE word in my head to describe how I decorated. But I won't use it...I am remaining strong.

Every plate had an adorable chocolate chick...from Aldi's, no less.

And the menu was yummy too. It had some healthy options for those watching their weight. And some not so healthy options for those who wanted to indulge. A veggie fritata and a spinach quiche didn't make it in the picture.

The Pineapple Bliss Cupcakes were a hit! Who knew that healthy and delicious can co-exist? Check out the blog, Skinny Taste. It won't disappoint...I promise.

So we all enjoyed a lovely brunch and then headed over to Presbyterian College for the hunt. Even the Easter Bunny showed up. Help me understand this because I can't wrap my head around the whole Easter Bunny thing. Now, Santa is a believable holiday character. There could be a jolly old man that leaves presents at your house. But how freaky is it that a giant rabbit leaves Easter baskets for kids and hides eggs? Do kids really fall for that one? Did I? I guess my girl does.

There was face painting, jump houses, and cookies-n-punch at the Egg Hunt. It was quite the affair. Then the scary hunt was an onslaught of screaming children practically clawing each other to get the most eggs. AND...there were 3 golden eggs. You know there were a huge amount of disappointed kids and 3 very happy ones.
Anna's best friend, Rachel was there. They are so cute together.

You can really see the bond they share. Childhood sweet.

The day was beautiful. The kids were happy. The grown-ups were content. A nearly perfect day. A nearly perfect Spring.
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