We have a middle schooler.
Dressing in costume to get candy from strangers is no longer acceptable behavior.
But he wanted copious amounts of candy.
So what does any self-respecting middle schooler do?
Well, you wear a costume that only a middle school gamer would love.

Can anyone guess who or what he is?
[crickets chirping]
Well, my uninformed friends and family, he is a Minecraft creeper.
Because I am such a cheapskate I scoured the internet for a like minded mother who blogs and found one. Mama Needs a Hobby set me up. That, a free cardboard box and a coworker with an awesome color printer and my middle schooler was ready to pillage the neighborhood.
My second grader had grander plans.
And I loved them.
We had found an gnome costume for Mr. Ollie Wienerkins. Oh the universal shame for dogs on Halloween. But we gloriously joined in the night of shame and dressed our dachshund like a gnome. Anna decided he was Gnomeo to her Juliet.
So I was in charge of making her look like Juliet. And, to be quite honest, because I am not full of vim and vigor these days, it didn't take too long to put it all together. Here's the whole gang on Halloween night.

This years Halloween Party brought lots of little ones with their 'rents. We kept it low key this time and I didn't go crazy on cooking and baking. Gotta love warehouse shopping in situations such as this. Plus friends who bring yummy food to share.
Here is my one easy but fun thing I did for food this year thanks to my obsession with Pinterest:

After all, who can resist jack-o-lantern vomit?
That and fake mustaches and you've got yourself a party!
I came across stick-on mustaches somewhere before the party and snatched 'em up! (I love the verb "snatch"...hmmm, but I digress). And just as I thought, they were a hit at the party. I love that a picture can tell it better than me.
There were all sorts of secret personalities that came out at the party that night! Loved it!!
Before all the trick or treaters ran off to pillage we gathered them around the Magnolia tree for the traditonal Halloween picture.

The gaggle of goblins did not disappoint.
And while we out trick or treating we were serenaded by a mad accordianist.

Note: his mustache is real.
We all had a great time and I'm sure next year we'll do it again. But maybe the creeper will stay home and hand out candy. Who knows...maybe he has another Halloween in him...we can hope.
Until then, here's hoping your Jack-O-Laterns light up the night so you can find your way home.