Last week while Gavin was in school and Anna & I were grocery shopping fairies have appeared to taken up residence in our little home on Calvert Avenue. Much to our surprise there were two fairy doors in Gavin and Anna Mae's room. Now you may be asking yourself, "A fairy door? What is a fairy door?". Well, Jonathon Wright, a storyteller and illustrator from Ann Arbor, Michigan believes that
Urban Fairies "were living in nature but have been displaced by urban sprawl". We are

so fortunate to have been chosen by two fairies looking for a new home in Clinton, South Carolina! Gavin's fairy looks as if he may be a part of fighting evil and working for the good of the universe. While Anna Mae's fairy is closely connected to Klonnie kitty and seems to be able to communicate through her stuffed animals. Apparently one can leave little trinkets, gifts, candy and coins for the fairies to let them know how pleased you are that they have come to live with you. The first morning after the doors appeared Gavin promptly got up and looked under his pillow for a possible gift that his fairy might have left, but no such luck. Anna Mae prefers to invite her fairy to sleep with her at every nap time and bedtime. These wee folk and their doors have brought a bit of joy to Calvert Avenue. We are always on the lookout for a fairyspotting. They are elusive little creatures. Most all your questions and some you never thought of can be answered by
Jonathon Wright an expert in Urban Fairy behavior, known to many as a non-certified fairyologist. Happy fairy hunting!