Are you ready? God - breathe deeply) do something domestic.
There - I said it.
On my quest to gain control of my life (Ha! Just seeing it on the screen makes me laugh.), I have decided to begin to plan, in advance (because that's what planning is right?) ,our evening least four of them a week. And you, my dear friends and family, are going to help keep me accountable for those four meals a week. How, you may be asking yourself, can I keep Kelly on task with anything let alone something that requires an inkling of domestic skill?! The answer is simple. A meme.
What? You mean you don't know what a meme is? Oh, you non-blog reading people you! Uh, actually, confession time here...I didn't know what one was until about, oh, a couple of months ago. Let's see if our little friend, Wikipedia, can help us out on this one.
The term Internet meme (pronounced /miːm/) is a phrase used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet, much like an inside joke.[1] The term is a reference to the concept of memes, although this concept refers to a much broader category of cultural information.
So I am jumping on an Internet meme bandwagon called Menu Plan Monday. This meme was started by Laura, the creator of the blog, I'm an Organizing Junkie. Now, dear readers, she freely refers to herself as "the freak". Given I am a bear of very little brain and easily distracted by shiny objects, anyone who successfully has an organized life is close to a demi-god to me...definitely not a freak. She herself wrote,"I truly believe that menu planning is one of the best places to start in your quest to get organized". I am going to take her at her word.
Currently, according to I'm an Organizing Junkie, there are close to 500 women who share what's on their menu for the week each Monday. So every Monday from here on out, God willing, I'm going to be posting my menu for the week's dinners. Your assignment, if you're willing to accept it, is to leave comments each was the "chicken cacciatore"?...why would you serve that?!...mmmm, sounds yummy, I'll be there on Tuesday...those kind of things. And those of you that subscribe by e-mail and e-mail me comments instead of putting them on the blog itself, try commenting on the actual's kind of addicting. Yeah, ya'll know I'm a junkie of another kind right? I'm working on that one too.
Want to see links to all those participating? Click on the logo below

So here's this week's menu complete with links to recipes if I found them on the Internet:
- Monday: Spinach quiche, roasted green beans, frozen grapes
- Tuesday: Crunchy Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Broccoli, Baked Pomme Frites
- Wednesday: Leftovers
- Thursday: Whole wheat pasta with Vodka Sauce, Green salad with vinaigrette, Garlic bread
- Friday: Zesty Corn Quesadillas, Baby spinach & mandarin orange salad, (and Margaritas if I'm feeling particularly sassy that night!)
Welcome to the Meme!
I've tried so many times to plan...I always fail. lol Maybe if I planned to fail, I would succeed! ;)
I like for ideas, too. They have user reviews of the recipes (1-5 stars) so you know if it's great or food for the garbage disposal, lol.
Your menu sounds wonderful! Come cook at my house-lol.
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