Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 03/25/08

You know you're in Clinton when...
Just a few words in the picture and a few from me too.
Grandma Opal used to make me fried bologna sandwiches in her kitchen. I've never seen a restaurant actually sell them. Come on down ya'll. I'll treat you to lunch.
Wordless Wednesday 03/25/08SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Robert Post's Love Child said...

Not only that, you can get it with macaroni and cheese!

Unknown said...

I'd like to try one of the bologna sandwiches, please!!! :D

What a fun post. Happy WW! :D

Ladybird said...

That is the ONLY way that I eat bologna....and I usually have to blacken it! LOL! Happy WW!

PiaTillys Boutique said...

I've never had one...I just may have to try it! :o)


PiaTillys Boutique said...
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