South Carolina summers are hot. Actually that's an understatement. They are really hot and really humid. Of course the fairies need a place to cool off and we had the perfect oak tree to shade them during those hot days. The same one we used for our fall fairy house. So Anna Mae and I went off to hunt for materials to build their summer home. She pulled the wagon all around the yard and here is what we found...

Mr. Ant decided to help us build the house. Anna Mae wasn't sure if he was a "good ant or a bad ant"...I looked to see if she was wearing her red slippers when she questioned his goodness.

We discovered a cute little mushroom in the yard too. South Carolina has the most interesting mushrooms. I may have to do a mushroom expose sometime here at Betty's. Now you know mushrooms pop up where fairies have been. So we knew that our summer home would be put to good use. We also found some pretty purple flowers to decorate the house with. Making sure to follow the rules of Fairy House construction the other materials used were moss, pine cones, rocks, sticks, a broken bird's egg, dried hydrangea flowers, bark, acorn tops and magnolia leaves.

Back in the spring Light-Beams Publishing read about the Unplug Your Kids Blog Challenge and they contacted me. They wanted to reward those who were participating in that challenge with the book, Fairy Houses by Tracy Kane. With great generosity, Light-Beams Publishing not only offered three books as giveaways in that challenge but also sent me an extra one to do another giveaway at another time. What better time to offer fairy house inspiration than with a book about fairy houses? So if you would like an opportunity to win Fairy Houses by Tracy Kane here's what you need to do:
- Visit Light-Beams Publishing and leave a comment about their website.
- Click the "Tell a Friend" button at the end of the post and tweet about this (with a rt@laterbetty) plus follow me on Twitter. Then leave a comment with your user name and if you tweeted.
- Click the "Tell a Friend" button at the end of the post, choose another social network (our favorites are technorati, kirtsy, stumble upon) and show some love. Then leave a comment with what you did.
- Follow me or subscribe to my feed and leave a comment that you did.
- Go over to Later Betty's Bargains, check it out and follow that blog; leave a comment here that you are following that blog
- The big one worth 5 entries: Build a Fairy House and blog about it; leave a comment with the link.
Anna Mae can't wait to see your fairy house!

Hi Doll,
Great to read your blog. Anna Mae is very lucky to have a mom like you. We're on the Cape and are having a fab time and I'm also feeling lucky to have a friend like you (you know what that means).
This is so right up my daughter's alley! She is truly in love with fairies! I love that this site welcomes me and my daughter to a whole new series of books!
ajcmeyer at go dot com
What a cute website. I love the how to build your own fairy house section!
I love that they have events for the girls to take part in!
I visited the website and enjoyed the section on how to host your own event. Sounds like fun.
This book looks great. We've build some fairy houses in our backyard and my girls LOVE it. Thanks!
gracescotkeith at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the great ideas! I wish I had used them last year for Anna Grace's birthday. I posted a link on Facebook and took a look at the publisher's site. What a wonderful aray of ideas! I'm looking forward to making some houses this weekend with Anna Grace and her friend!
I love the section on How to Build a Fairy House. Super cute site.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
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