When I was pregnant with Anna over five year ago now, I wanted a professional picture of me and my pregnant belly. And lucky me, I was (and still am) friends with a commercial photographer who was willing to take some photographs. Flash forward, it is now the Summer of 2010 and I want an accompanying photo of the dear girl that once was a baby in that handy dandy uterus of mine. I'd also like to capture the two of our kids together, if that is humanly possible.
Enter Harold Lee Miller. I can't say enough about the man. He is an artist first and foremost. But one word is not enough. He is a story teller, a visionary, an entrepreneur, a fabulous cook, a gentle man, a funny guy, a patient husband, a loving father and an amazing photographer. He's a got a wife, too, who I love to pieces and is one of the few people who I can name as a true friend. She gets me and I'm okay with it. Quite a combo. These two people are a power house of creativity. Sometimes, I just bask in it. Other times, I covet it. But I never get tired of it.
So we're in Indiana for a Summer visit. Now that we officially live nine hours away from my closest and dearest peeps it is impossible to see them all in a five day period. And, I'll tell you what, it makes me grumpy. But that is another post. This is about the photo shoot we squeezed in while partaking in the annual Hoosier-palooza (advance tickets on sale now for next year...get your time with Kelly reserved a year in advance...ugh.).
Harold's studio is in the heart of downtown Indianapolis. You can't help but feel hip or tragically inferior (take your pick) when stepping into his space. He designed the building himself and then set out to become an interior designer as well. The studio has some fabulous mid-century pieces that fit the space perfectly making you feel like you truly are in a place reserved for creative pursuits.
When we arrived the kids immediately went running to Sam to play. Meanwhile Grace assisted Harold with getting the lighting set up. And then the photo shoot began. I have to say, I'm biased, I think Anna is beautiful. But, Harold can make a fence post look beautiful. So I'm calling this Anna's first photo shoot.
Here's collage of a few of the shots Harold captured of Anna Mae.

And somehow,Harold, managed to get our two kids to stand next to each other and look like they might actually like each other, just a little bit, for a minute.

If you want to see some of these photos individually check out my Flickr account. And while you're at it head over to Facebook and become a fan of Harold Lee Miller Photography. Thank you Harold for capturing the essence of our kids so beautifully!