For a brief moment I am centered.
I am calm.
I breathe in...
...and I breathe out.
This old soul greets me in the morning and welcomes me back home in the evening.
And for a brief moment I am centered.
I am calm.
It was a perfect day in the Magic Kingdom. And they are right. It is the happiest place on earth. It is intoxicatingly happy. The high lasted several days. But I am not a Disney Addict. It is a very pricey drug.
We arrived for the opening show. When the gates opened we followed Alice. You know, Alice, as in "Alice in Wonderland". I felt like Alice myself as we headed for the Teacups. The boys veered off to go to a race car ride which later they deemed as "lame". But the Teacups did not disappoint our need for childhood glee.
Does that face not scream "childhood glee"?
There's nothing like spinning your little heart out.
Then we were off to "Small World". The kitsch factor did not disappoint. And the kids loved it. We traveled around the world in about seven minutes. "Welcome to the Happiest Cruise that ever sailed"
Everybody sing along...
Gavin rode his first roller coasters. The first was the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. This whet his appetite and he was ready for Space Mountain. But his Dad was not as the Fast Pass for it was not at a time when he would be in the park. And I really really really don't like roller coasters. But I sucked it up and waited in line with Gavin to plunge to my death ride Space Mountain. Did I mention that I don't like roller coasters? The wait was shorter than it indicated which gave me less time to get totally crazy anxious. And in less than ten minutes we were getting off the ride. I survived and Gavin got to say he rode Space Mountain.
While in Tomorrow Land we rode Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. This was a really fun ride that brought out some healthy competition among the family because you laser shoot at targets through out the ride. At the end of the ride your score appears. Gavin beat the socks off us all.
One of the unique features that you may run into in Tomorrow Land is the talking trash can. Anna carried on quite the conversation with this little guy never realizing there was a man in the crowd operating it and talking into a a little mic that changed his voice.
In Adventureland we climbed aboard the Pirates of the Caribbean. We were amazed to see people of all ages, clear up to way old timers, enjoying the magic of Disney World. When we got off the ride look who we ran into.
He is easy on the eyes. I'd swab his deck any day.
We left the park around four to rest and get some dinner.
The professor and Anna decided they were not going to return for the Main Street Electrical Parade and fireworks. No amount of convincing could change their minds. They stayed poolside at the hotel and watched a movie outside. Gavin and I, however, were jonesing for a little more of that Magic Kingdom drug. I so wished they had come.
We returned to find Magic Kindgdom packed to the gills. They tape off where you can stand during the parade. We got back too late to grab a prime spot. So we really had to squeeze in somewhere, claim it and wait for the parade to start.
But just watching the castle change colors was magical. It was beautiful.
When the parade began my jaw dropped and I didn't pick it up until the last float paraded by. Between the parade, the show between the parade and the fireworks, and the fireworks I realized our admissions to the park were worth every penny.
After the parade there was a show in front of the castle that was technologically amazing. It's called "The Magic, the Memories, and You". As many as 500 images shot that day project onto the castle each night the show is presented, producers estimate. Disney PhotoPass photographers capture guests creating new memories as they “smile for the castle.” So it could be that night we were part of the castle show. I'm embarassed to say that it brings a tear to my eyes even to watch it now.
The fireworks had me at Tinker Bell...the REAL LIVE Tinker Bell flying down from the castle to get the fabulous fireworks show started. We had a fabulous time at Disney World. I know we'll go back again someday to get another infusion of that happiness drug that they do so well.
Two weeks before school was out the Professor throws out the idea of a surprise trip to Disney World. Knowing that this would most likely be the only time we would go, I was torn. Do I turn him down and hold out for a longer more planned trip or do I jump on the offer knowing that the Professor's Disney World Willingness Window could slam shut at any moment, never to open again? Well, I decided to embrace spontaneity. And thanks to to my friends who are DW fanatics experts, I was given great advice that made our trip wonderful. For not only was it spontaneous, it was also short. We only spent two full days in Disney Parks. What parks would we chose? Which days would we go to which parks? How would we get to every thing we wanted to see? Could I satisfy my Disney itch with this 2 day scratch? Could I keep this a surprise from the kids for a whole two weeks? Yes, I had two weeks to plan the ultimate two day Disney World vacation on a budget. The pressure was on.
After much gnashing of financial teeth, we decided to stay off Disney Property. Yes, it had been my dream to stay on property to so we would have an a full Disney experience. But the reality was the only option that was really affordable were the value resorts. Their rooms boast two double beds. That would have contributed to our DW nightmares. Settling the kids down and then keeping them up with Mama's snoring was not what we wanted to happen. But I found a great affordable off property hotel. The Holiday Inn Resort Lake Buena Vista. What sold me on it was that they offered kid suites for a remarkably reasonable price. The parents had their own king size bed and in a separate little nook the kids had a bunk bed.
I'd like to say no arguing occurred over where to sleep but I'd be lying. But we all had good nights sleep for a reasonable price. Plus, the hotel had a very nice pool and the kids ate free at the fine dining establishment, Applebee's. It was a ten minute drive to the parks so we took an afternoon swim break both days. I was worried we'd miss out on something but it really renewed our energy for the rest of the visits to the parks. The kids didn't even complain about leaving the parks.
So we started our adventure by taking the kids out of school one day before school ended for Summer break. I had made Disney World Journals with free pages from The Mouse for Less website and planned to give them to them when we told them. We secretly packed the car and got them up early and told them we were going on a trip. Lots of questions ensued. Expecting this, we had hints prepared until we crossed the Florida state line. Then at the welcome rest stop we stopped to rest and reveal the surprise. I had glorious visions of the kids being gleefully surprised and bluebirds landing on everyone's shoulders to carry us to Disney the rest of the way. Reality had other plans.
It was about an eight hour drive. And the excitement about going to Disney fueled us the rest of the way. When we checked into the hotel we were pleasantly surprised about the accommodations and the amenities. However, we decided to get a taste of Disney World for free and headed over to Downtown Disney. It was a great way to ramp up the excitement for all things Disney. Since it is mostly like an outdoor mall it was all I could do not to shop like crazy. But I knew we'd have lots of opportunities to buy lots of crap souvenirs over the next two days.
We loved the Lego store. Yes, that is all made from Legos. And I'm telling you, this one was one of the simple displays. Fantastic!
I had bought both the kids lanyards before we left hoping they would jump on the pin collecting boat. The Disney Pins are an inexpensive way to have souvenirs of your visit with feeling like you are breaking the bank. When the kids went into the pin shop they were on board!
Speaking of being on board, we hopped aboard one of the ferries that go to the resorts to check out what we were missing. We decided to hop off at the Port Orleans Resort. How is it that Disney can go over the top and yet it doesn't feel like it's over the top?
We headed back to the hotel, had a swim and set the alarm clock. We wanted to get to Epcot before it opened. Having used Ridemax to plan our time in both parks we were set to go. Ridemax was recommended to us by a very highly organized friend and it was worth every penny. Ridemax is a computer software program designed to help you create custom wait-time-reducing itinerary for Walt Disney World. But first we had to pick up the tickets which I had purchased on line. Even that had surprises. Disney buttons for everyone! Anna's birthday was in two weeks so she had a button with her name announcing it was her birthday. Every employees cast member (every one plays a role in the magic at DW) that came into contact with her wished her a "Happy Birthday, Princess Anna". She was in six year old girl heaven. Gavin got a "It's my first trip to Disney" pin to wear. Both kids were welcomed by so many cast members. We loved it. So once we had the tickets we were off to Test Track. Ridemax instructed us exactly when and where to wait to get onto this ride. While waiting we had our first sighting...Minnie!
Anna got a hug and she was hooked. She wanted more. "When can I see her again, Mama?"
The cast members started us off in a count down to opening the park. It was quite exciting! And sooner than you could say, "Gentleman, start your engines", we were in our car at Test Track. Which we all loved. Upon leaving the ride we grabbed "fast passes" just in case we had time to do it again. In fact, Ridemax worked so well we did everything we wanted to do and more!
Flickr is storing many photos of us trying to do all kinds of things to the Epcot Ball. Here's my personal favorite. Imagine me saying in my evil villain voice, "I vill crush you!"
The kids wanted to meet characters so we started the stroll of the countries where we could take in sights and the kids might have sightings of real cast members. You see we gave them each a generic baseball cap for the characters to sign when they met them. This got Gavin's competition juices stirring. He was bound and determined to fill that hat up with signatures even if it meant meeting princesses. Epcot has a venue where you can meet lots of characters at air conditioning. We thought that was ideal...until we saw the wait.
Back to strolling the countries. But we also took a break to swim and when we came back after dinner the line for the character spot was manageable. Now we have a whole lot of memories, signatures and fun to remember.
We had a great time at Epcot. It was a good first day choice.
After finding a good spot to watch the fireworks we sat on a bench, had some wicked expensive ice cream and people watched. It was a beautiful evening.
After the fireworks we headed back to the hotel to crash. Anna was so darn tired she announced she didn't want to go to the Magic Kingdom the next day. The Professor reminded her that the Haunted Mansion was there and we had to see that. She perked up and said "Fine but I won't stay for the fireworks!" We didn't argue with her at that point. Little did we know she would stick to her guns.
We have been busy here on Maple Street. Shall I catch you up? How about a snap shot of the last few months?
First off on this snap shot journey is Gavin's first science fair. He received a 2nd Place Ribbon for his project: "Whose Mouth is cleaner: A Dog's or a Human's? Rest easy humans...we win.
Then on March 15th Anna had a fight with the storm door and the storm door won. Twelve stitches and a very embarrassed little girl resulted. We've taken to saying she was riding her unicorn through a glitter storm and that's how she got those wicked cool scars.
The local Army Reserve Unit does a Fall and Spring Fun Run. Gavin has run them every year since being here. Anna started last Fall and questioned, "Why do they call this a fun run if it isn't any fun?" Well, she decided to run this Spring too and came in first in her class...being the only one in her class.
Gavin came in second this time. But the real story is that he gave his second place medal to a classmate of his who ran but came in last. He thought he deserved something too. This classmate gets teased by some of the kids at school for being overweight but he was out there running; giving it his best. At school on Monday morning, Gavin brought in his medal and gave it to his friend at recess.
Gavin played on a Spring soccer league in Greenville this past spring. It was a step up from YMCA soccer. It is a joy seeing him do something he loves. I wish I could have gotten better pictures but then Mama would need a better camera. Hmmm...I see a valid argument for an upgrade here.
I had the delight of being the PTO president for Clinton Elementary this year. During teacher appreciation week, in early May, we did many things for our teachers. One event that was a lot of fun was our "Chalk It Up to Our Teachers". We chalked up the sidewalks around the school with messages of thanks for all they do.
Anna had her Spring recital. Her violin lessons continued and so did her improvement. We hoped to get her in a Suzuki Camp this Summer but it didn't turn out to be possible. We continue to love Miss Nancy.
And, of course, every Spring another group of seniors graduate. It's always fun to attend the end of the graduation ceremony at Presbyterian College. It's not every day you get to hear the bagpipes play.
And finally, on Mother's Day I flew to Birmingham, Alabama to be a part of a team of co-workers who were deployed to support USPS employees impacted by the tornadoes that tore through that state the at end of April. While we were there for one week we worked with over 1,000 postal workers all over the state. One picture ( this one taken in Tuscaloosa) does not even begin to describe the destruction and devastation these people experienced AND are still experiencing to this day. Assistance and help are still needed.
We seemed to move toward Summer vacation at full speed after a very busy Spring. Summer unofficially begins in South Carolina in May. Flip flops and sunscreen are required. And we welcomed it with a surprise trip to the "happiest place on earth". But that is another story.
Our yard may be unkempt and a little worse for wear but Mother Nature decided that we deserved some Spring beauty as much as the next person. This little pearl of a flower is called the green dotted snowdrop. Isn't it precious?
We also have an invasive weed growing in our yard that I fell in love with when we lived in France. Back then ignorance was bliss. I didn't know it was an invasive weed. I just loved how it framed the old buildings in the medieval villages we visited. Ah, wisteria, why do you you have to be so wild? It's too much work to tame you. I don't have the time...I have children. But I love you, none the less. Thank you for invading my tired little yard.
And even though we cut down all the overgrown azalea bushes hiding our sweet little house... petite specimen survived hidden among some brush along side of the drive way.
And in the backyard, near the side door is a Camellia bush. It's like a rose bush without all the trouble. Plus it's an evergreen and sometimes even blooms in the Winter. Originally from Japan, they have found a home in South Carolina. I'm so glad we have one in our yard.
But not all Spring beauty is obvious. Sometimes you have to look for it. And as you know dear readers, I have become enamored with the plethora of mushroom varieties growing here in South Carolina. And our back 40...yards didn't disappoint mama. And I so want to know what kind of mushrooms these are...they could be edible. How fun would that be? So maybe one of you would feel inspired to be a mushroom sleuth. There may be a yummy mushroom meal in your future.
Here is specimen number two:
I've done a little search but haven't been able to identify them yet. But I love them just the same.
Finally, in all its delicate glory, a dogwood bloomed right outside our breakfast nook door. The blooms stayed for what seemed forever. But eventually they fell to the ground to be replaced by tender leaves.
Thank you, Mother Nature, for the sweet gift you bestowed upon us undeserving lazy gardeners. We're so grateful.
Our whirlwind Spring Break trip to Indiana consisted of two egg hunts in two days. The kids were beside themselves in Easter Candy joy.
The Gallagher Cousin Chaos was a sight to behold. Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny even made an appearance
An impromptu egg hunt ensued with the Kiley Cousins. Small, intimate but challenging, the hunt seemed to scratch their egg hunt itch.
Or so we thought...
...Presbyterian College has a community Easter Egg Hunt the Sunday before Easter. I thought it was the perfect opportunity for a yummy Spring Brunch before the hunt. After all, we live right across the street from the college and if the kids get to fill their baskets with candy shouldn't we parents get something out of it too. I have to say, I went a little overboard on the whole brunch thing. Plus, I was scarily organized...just ask the Professor. Those of you who know me know that isn't one of my strong suits.
The table setting was being guarded by two lovely lime green gnomes. Know that I am strongly resisting the urge to use the word "tablescape". That word is like nails on a chalkboard for me but thanks to Sandra Lee on "Semi-homemade" it has become THE word in my head to describe how I decorated. But I won't use it...I am remaining strong.
Every plate had an adorable chocolate chick...from Aldi's, no less.
And the menu was yummy too. It had some healthy options for those watching their weight. And some not so healthy options for those who wanted to indulge. A veggie fritata and a spinach quiche didn't make it in the picture.
The Pineapple Bliss Cupcakes were a hit! Who knew that healthy and delicious can co-exist? Check out the blog, Skinny Taste. It won't disappoint...I promise.
So we all enjoyed a lovely brunch and then headed over to Presbyterian College for the hunt. Even the Easter Bunny showed up. Help me understand this because I can't wrap my head around the whole Easter Bunny thing. Now, Santa is a believable holiday character. There could be a jolly old man that leaves presents at your house. But how freaky is it that a giant rabbit leaves Easter baskets for kids and hides eggs? Do kids really fall for that one? Did I? I guess my girl does.
There was face painting, jump houses, and cookies-n-punch at the Egg Hunt. It was quite the affair. Then the scary hunt was an onslaught of screaming children practically clawing each other to get the most eggs. AND...there were 3 golden eggs. You know there were a huge amount of disappointed kids and 3 very happy ones.
Anna's best friend, Rachel was there. They are so cute together.
You can really see the bond they share. Childhood sweet.
The day was beautiful. The kids were happy. The grown-ups were content. A nearly perfect day. A nearly perfect Spring.
A woman of many talents, Kelly, is known to be a mother of two crazy kids, a wife of a Renaissance Man and a reluctant traveler to South Carolina...pray for her...really...she means it.