Cute right? Downright adorable. He's minding his own squirrel business on Calvert Avenue when suddenly he's being shot at by a man, who by his own account, never misses.

Now, ladies and gentleman, lest I offend your sensibilities in this bizarre little post, the last picture is NOT the actual man who has been shooting squirrels on Calvert Avenue near our little house. Oh, no. That would require me to walk up to a man with a loaded 22 and ask him if I could take his picture. It might go something like this...."Uh, excuse me sir, I was wondering if I could take your picture because what you are doing is so foreign to me I have to document this insanity for my friends and family up North, who until now at this moment, lived in what I considered a backward redneck state but, you sir have given me hope for my home state as I have never lived anywhere as a Hoosier where my next door neighbor sits on his front steps and shoots squirrels out of his tree?...so a picture with you and a dead squirrel is out of the question?...and you'd like me to 'git offa yer property'....sure...have a good day sir."
Oh, my dear readers, the craziness doesn't end there. No, that little story would be just your average whack job shooting squirrels out of his tree. After hearing gunshots many times a day for several days in a row and witnessing the man and his rifle wave to me and Anna while we took a walk through the neighborhood, then quickly after that hearing another shot I decided I would call the local law enforcement the next shot I heard and put a stop to this insanity once and for all. Lucky me, we got home from our walk and heard another shot. So I got out my trusty Clinton phonebook (about the size of a People's magazine)and looked up the number for the City Police Department. Upon dialing the number, it rang and rang. Friends, I couldn't believe I got their voice mail. Undeterred I dialed again and this time got a real live person...well, at least I think it was. This time there was an actual conversation that ensued that went something like this: "Uh, hi, um, I'm curious...is there a city ordinance against firing weapons within the city limits?" CPD: "Yes, ma'am there is." Me: "Well, I live at 503 Calvert..." CPD(who cut me off): "He has a permit to shoot squirrels." Me: "In the city limits, in a neighborhood where there are children outside playing?" CPD: "Yes, ma'am." Me: "Well, that's just crazy." Click. That's the sound of me hanging up in disgust and disbelief. I called a new acquaintance who lives next door to this person and who happens to have a 6 year old son. He's been here a year and suggested that I do nothing more because "I'm not from around here". Ugh. The only good news I can bring you is that there have been no more shootings for a couple of weeks. For now our squirrel friends on Calvert Avenue are safe...or are they...? So many dead squirrel pics so little time...