As the trees and bushes in our little neighborhood grow more and more beautiful every day, I have the joy of looking out our living room window at Mother Nature's splendor. There are many days when I complain and joke about my little house and this little town but all I have to do is look out that window and my soul is soothed. Fall has also inspired Anna and Gavin to play together outside in the leaves. This makes our little house a little bigger giving the grown ups who live here a little more room to breathe every now and then. The previous renters left a rake and the kids decided that was reason enough to rake up some leaves and jump in 'em.

So jumping ensued and screams of pure delight. Their merriment brought us joy. This kind of bliss always sneaks up and surprises me.

And after all the raking and jumping was over I managed to catch a little girl dreaming, perhaps experiencing her own kind of bliss in the leaves and in the fall sky.

I wish you all simple joys this fall.
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