This past Saturday morning, the air was crisp and the breath of several second graders hung in the air as they warmed up to run their fun run.

On your mark, get set, go!

Gavin, determined to medal, shot off like a bat outa hell.Following a John Deere "Gator" (the irony is not lost to me my friends), these second graders ran a half mile around the Clinton High School football stadium in honor of Veteran's Day. Flags were waving and parents were cheering as Gavin approached the finish line for what seemed to be a first place finish but at the last few seconds another boy, who looked old enough for 3rd grade I might add, passed Gavin to finish first. BUT...our boy, Gavin, placed second in his very first race! Way to go Gav!

There was an awards ceremony and everything! He is very proud of the medals he received. We tried to get him to call the grandparents to let them know the good news but he just dipped his head down and quietly said,"No, Momma, that would be bragging.". So now its come down to Momma bragging. Woo,hoo Gavin!

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