This brings a whole new meaning to "I'll tell you later, Betty" a lot later, it seems.
"Who's gonna read it? Who cares now? It's a waste of your time!" -Patrick Kiley
And I reply, "It's the principle of the thing...I've just gotta get it up...uh, I mean posted".
I'm imagining when my children are sitting by the fireplace, reminiscing about their childhood to my grandchildren (leaving out all the ugly dysfunction, of course) they'll say, "Oh, hey, what fun it would be to read mom's blog...a trip down memory lane!" Then they get to Winter 2010/2011 and wonder if Santa forgot about them that year...or perhaps Gavin never really turned ten in January 2011.
So here I am in the Spring of 2011 typing a post about Christmas 2010. Lame, really. But necessary to my psyche. So please indulge me, dear readers. I'm sure at least one of you can relate. The rest of you can make fun of me. But please do it behind my back so I can keep what dignity I have left intact.
Of course, the Clinton Christmas Parade, now the third one we've attended, continues to be a train wreck that I can't seem to turn my head from. I must capture this crazy thing they call a Christmas parade.
Let's start with the Shriner Hill Billies...always a hit...but I'm skeptical about the clownish nature of the whole thing.

This year, Wendy and her girlfriends were in the parade...dear lord, that is one ugly Wendy or a straight man in drag (my apologies to the local "Wendy" should you read this and, indeed, are a girl)

This float is in the parade every year and every year it takes me by surprise...note: the Shriner is not a mannequin.

Cute high school boy holds snowman's head in the land where snow rarely falls.

Somebody call the DSS...CPS...

I guess one of us considers themselves a "Clintonian"..."Clintonite"...from here...and she looks like she's having a heck of a time throwing candy at the locals.

And then, finally, nothing says Christmas like the Clinton High School Mascot, The Red Devil...not to be confused with the Pink Devil or the Chartreuse Devil.

It would be remiss of me not to challenge you, my friends and family, to come up with some captions for these photos. Really, I didn't do them justice. So in the comments sections leave your captions to my photos. There's sure to be a winner.
That concludes this long over due pictorial of the 2010 Clinton (say it with me: klin-uhn) Christmas Parade. Alas, our ancient Mac Book that had all our Christmas photos died before I could upload them. But now we have a shiny new iMac this makes me very happy.

But I did manage to upload to Flikr these two little video clips...variations on a theme.
Variation One: The North
Variation Two: The South