Yes, my dear readers, this establishment exists in our little town. As you can see by the boarded up door, it is no longer open. So, it causes me to pause and think, 'If they ain't open does that mean all my needs have now been met?...uh, not quite, but close because my mom and dad (along with Molly) came for their much anticipated first visit this past week. This is what the first evening consisted of...

There was so much smiling and laughing and hugging and snugging that it couldn't be contained. And, of course, in this little house you can't help but run into somebody. So watch out when you come visit, you're likely to get hugged and loved on too! Molly stayed with us while Mom and Dad stayed at the Patrick Center on Presybyterian College's campus. Which I'm sure at the end of the day was a much needed respite from our monkeys.
Many a conversation surrounded the upcoming election. And, of course, we had to tease mom every now and then that if she ever wanted to she her grandchildren again she better cross party lines on November 4th! I have to admit that bit was stolen from Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep. But I'm glad to report that it may have worked! We'll know more on November 5th. [By the way, don't follow the link if you are sensitive to expletives (aka cussing) - her comedy isn't for everyone.]
Most of Mom and Dad's visit was spent doing simple things. Walks with the dog. Feeding the ducks at the duck pond at PC. Going to Wal-mart in Laurens. Going to church. Touring the different houses we've looked at. Attending a Fall festival in downtown Clinton. Having meals together. But nothing compares to when Mom placed pennies on the railroad tracks in downtown Clinton to get some flattened pennies for the kids...

You would have thought the she had gold for the kids they way they swooned over them! Given that Clinton has 23 trains that pass through it everyday, you too will have the opportunity to smoosh some pennies when you come and visit.
Here are some pictures of our time together...




As you might notice Gavin is strangely absent from most of these photos. He wasn't feeling particularly photogenic during their visit so I encouraged him to take some of the pictures instead. He enjoyed having that job.
It was wonderful to be together and it was hard to say goodbye. We cherished every moment. Now we are looking forward to seeing everyone in November. Until then, its not too late to start planning your ultimate Clinton vacation.