We actually got in the car and drove somewhere. I know, I know, it's hard to believe considering when we strap our children into our 1998 Honda Civic we have voluntarily entered hell on wheels. Yes, drive any further than 10 minutes with these two and you will know that I write the truth. Torment just does not describe it accurately. I challenge you, dear readers, to leave your own comments in the comment section below just trying to describe it. I double ding dong dare ya'! So, Patrick's on Fall break for a few days and we decide that deserves a little Fall trip to an apple orchard or pumpkin patch. We had been told that there was an orchard in the mountains in North Carolina that was well worth the drive (note: I don't think this person took this drive with two young children in hell on wheels). So, after printing directions off and packing a picnic lunch we headed up the road to Sky Top Orchard in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Once Anna fell asleep (thank you God) we were able to enjoy the gorgeous vistas that driving in the mountains bring you. Friends, I never thought I'd drive an hour and a half for an apple orchard but I am so glad we did. To get up to Sky Top you drive up up up this black top drive that seems to never end but when it does you see why they named it Sky Top. Every family in western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina must have been there, for parking was at a minimum. Once we parked we headed to the barn to get our baskets and start picking. However, we found out that they don't accept cards and we, in our bear of very little brain way, didn't get any cash before we left. So between Patrick and I we had a whole thirteen dollars (counting Gavin's contribution of one dollar in quarters)! So we walked away with one basket instead of a basket for everyone. Gavin quickly commenced to climbing every apple tree he could (so much for protecting his mononucliousis-ed inflamed spleen)

and Anna began picking every apple within her reach.

Being surrounded by the mountains while you picked apples with hundreds of other people wasn't how I pictured apple orchards but it was pretty darn sweet. The only lament I have is that I didn't have my kids dressed like the other parents who planned for those perfect fall pictures. I dressed them to get dirty. Here's the closest I came to cute pictures. The apple was my way of hiding other people who were picking apples that I couldn't "photoshop" out (antiquated computer and all...).

Here's Anna and Patrick sampling the apples...

Our boy, who is half monkey, discovered a new way to collect apples. This was purely by accident but we thought it was pretty funny when he descended one of the trees with an apple in his hoodie.

After paying for our apples and having some hot and fresh (no comments from the peanut gallery please) yummy cinnamon doughnuts we set off for some scenic driving. We thought we'd head to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure. Unfortunately everyone else decided to go there too at the same time. Because we failed to do the complete research "a la Kevin" we weren't aware that it cost $36 for us as a family to get into Chimney Rock Park. To not be able to actually climb to the main attraction of the park (what with a 7 year old with mono and a 3 year old who wants you to carry her after a ten minute stroll through the neighborhood) seemed like a waste of good money. But here's a picture for ya'll to see what we missed.

That body of water you see is Lake Lure. We were planning on exploring the area a little bit more. And in fact, stopped in Chimney Rock Village to check out the Rocky Broad River(it's called rocky for a very good reason). But we didn't stop anywhere else because Gavin's foot had slipped into the river where he was hopping from rock to rock. He was now soaked on one leg...we warned him, but did that stop him? We all know the answer to that one now don't we? Here's a pic of the river...we didn't capture Gavin in the act so I had to use my imagination...

So it would seem all the fun had ended for the Kiley. But let's not be too hasty. At least one member of the family experienced just a little more joy. For on the way home an excursion to Lowes in Spartanburg, South Carolina occurred and mama got her washer and dryer (to be delivered on 10/14/08)! Do you hear the angels singing and see a golden glow in the southern sky? It is a sad sad day my friends when this woman gets excited about having her own washer and dryer. I mean, after all it is the 21st century and all (oh, that's right I'm in Clinton...shh, they don't know about that 21st century thingy yet). Sad yes, but grateful, that in our little house I can do laundry when ever I want and it requires no purse full of quarters for it to work. Joy on Calvert Avenue tonight. I hope there is joy in your home too. Love to all.
1 comment:
Sounds like a good time Kelly! As for having no (or VERY little) cash on you & them not accepting credit cards...don't feel bad; me & my dh do that ALL the time (you'd really think we'd learn our lesson!) :-)
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