13 years ago
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Great giveaways...
Okay, here's a quick post to let my economically savy friends and family know about a blog I discovered while blog trolling this morning. It's called A Contest Blog and if you click on it it'll take you right there. It has links to all kinds of blogs that are having giveaways. Generally, all you have to do to enter is post a comment on the blog. For instance, I entered a Lands End giveaway at Petit Elefant. All I had to do was leave a comment about the giveaway. And, hey, it's a blog with a french title! I have to plug it or the french professor might get cranky...uh, I mean, crankier. I love my cranky french professor by the way. Merry Christmas and Bah humbug!
Great giveaways...
blogs to check out
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Stockings were hung...

Well, we've decorated our little house for Christmas. It's certainly pared down from our Saint Joseph days I must say. Gavin and I went shopping for a Christmas tree that would actually fit in our little house. As fate would have it we found a 4 foot Indiana Spruce pre-lit artificial tree at the Wallyworld in Laurens. So we have a little bit (and I mean a little bit) of the Hoosier state in our living room.

The tree sits on top of the trunk. All of the kids' yearly ornaments plus a few memorable ones are hanging on the tree. This year Anna got a Minnie Mouse ornament in the hopes we actually do get to go to Disney World in June '09 and Gavin got a Presbyterian College ornament. The rest are waiting in boxes in the attic for a bigger house that can house a bigger tree. Until then we are enjoying our petite Indiana spruce humming "I'll be home for Christmas".
Only one creche got displayed this year. This caused Patrick to do a little jig of happiness because my creche collection drives him a little batty. Of course, I'm plotting and planning ways to drive him batty all the time. Keep your eyes open for interesting creches on mega clearance after the holidays! You know I'll reimburse you. Then we can all join in the madness.

(Does that crooked picture drive you as crazy as it does me?)
The stockings were hung on the armoire with care. This brought Gavin much distress. He was certain Santa Claus would not fill the stockings because they were not displayed in the correct spot. We spent some time assuring him that Santa would see these stockings as the room was small and cozy.

How could he miss them...they're so darn cute?!
You can make your own "no sew" version just click here, A Fanciful Twist.
Our front door that has seen better days even got in the holiday mood. I filled a distressed metal basket from "Southern Living at Home" with some festive faux flowers (note the magnolias) and clipped some of the unidentifiable red berries that have sprouted in our yard and, tah dah, our dingy front door looks shabby chic for Christmas.

Who knows, I may leave it up all winter.
How are you decorating this holiday? I would love to hear about it and see pictures of your lovelies.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Christmas Magic of Elfie
This Christmas tradition started when Gavin was 3 years old. I had a client who had told me about how as a child during the Christmas season they had an elf ornament called "Elfie". Their mother would secretly move Elfie around after they went to bed each night. In the morning they would get up and search for him. The kids were told he reported back to Santa if they were being naughty or nice. Well, I recently discovered she was not the only family with this tradition. Everyone can have an elf on the shelf.

Our Elfie has some personality thanks to Great Uncle John who gave Gavin the quirky plush elf when he was too young to remember the gift.
Elfie arrives in our house on St. Nicholas Eve night. The children set a pair of shoes outside their bedroom door before they go to bed. And then when they are fast asleep Elfie works his magic and usually leaves a treat or two and an Advent Calendar for each of them. Well, there was a snag or two this year.
The first snag was Elfie could not locate any advent calendars in our little town or any surrounding towns. So "Plan B" had to be put into place. That involved mama elf wrappping individual pieces of candy with a tag attached that had a number on one side and a "random act of kindness" on the other.
After twenty four pieces of candy were wrapped and labeled for each of the kids, mama elf put them into a cute Santa mug

As you can cleary see, mama elf has way too much time on her hands these days. The better to create memories with I guess, huh? So now a way to collect the tags and visually count down to Christmas had to be created too. Green foam core board, a sharpie marker and silver map tacks did the trick simply.

But all this had to be postponed because on St Nicholas Eve night we met with snag number two: unruly children who wouldn't behave...not even for the pope himself I swear (And I think I did a couple of times that night). Even with the threats that Elfie might not show up if they don't straighten up didn't work. The kids put their shoes out but Elfie didn't show. Instead he left this letter for them:

Well, two days later the kids set their shoes out again in hopes that Elfie would show up the next morning.

This time he did show and left them their mugs and candy. I wish he would have run the sweeper while he was at it. Jeez, you just can't get a good elf these days!
The Christmas Magic of Elfie
Our Elfie has some personality thanks to Great Uncle John who gave Gavin the quirky plush elf when he was too young to remember the gift.
Elfie arrives in our house on St. Nicholas Eve night. The children set a pair of shoes outside their bedroom door before they go to bed. And then when they are fast asleep Elfie works his magic and usually leaves a treat or two and an Advent Calendar for each of them. Well, there was a snag or two this year.
The first snag was Elfie could not locate any advent calendars in our little town or any surrounding towns. So "Plan B" had to be put into place. That involved mama elf wrappping individual pieces of candy with a tag attached that had a number on one side and a "random act of kindness" on the other.

After twenty four pieces of candy were wrapped and labeled for each of the kids, mama elf put them into a cute Santa mug

As you can cleary see, mama elf has way too much time on her hands these days. The better to create memories with I guess, huh? So now a way to collect the tags and visually count down to Christmas had to be created too. Green foam core board, a sharpie marker and silver map tacks did the trick simply.

But all this had to be postponed because on St Nicholas Eve night we met with snag number two: unruly children who wouldn't behave...not even for the pope himself I swear (And I think I did a couple of times that night). Even with the threats that Elfie might not show up if they don't straighten up didn't work. The kids put their shoes out but Elfie didn't show. Instead he left this letter for them:

Well, two days later the kids set their shoes out again in hopes that Elfie would show up the next morning.

This time he did show and left them their mugs and candy. I wish he would have run the sweeper while he was at it. Jeez, you just can't get a good elf these days!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Comes to Clinton
Happy holidays everyone!
Christmas has arrived in our little town in a big way. And it all started with the annual Christmas parade, which I am told is our little town's biggest parade. Hmmm. We were instructed by several Clintonites to be on Broad street in front of the college and bring a gift bag for the kids. Huh? So we dress warmly (for South Carolina) and put Anna in the coat that I wore at that age.

Thanks go to Grandma Debbi for keeping it in such pristine condition!
Well, the parade starts and the candy starts flying(thus the gift bags)! Kids turn into crackheads and go crazy...until he shows up that is, then they all scream in horror. Thank heavens he wasn't handing out candy to the kids or the local police may have arrested him.

What was he thinking?!
Once I saw this scary clown I got all excited like a kid in a candy shop because I knew this was going to be good blog fodder! And they didn't disappoint either. Soon after scary clown passed and the children stopped screaming we were treated to an adorable little elf that seemed to calm the freaked out kiddies. Oh, that and the copious amounts of candy they were throwing out of their truck.

Yes,my friends,their truck. There were many trucks and cars that just had a cute kid or baby in it and the parents showing them off. Really not parade worthy...except in our little town it seems.
Then the piece de resistance occurred.
The Hillbilly Clan Motorcade showed up.

The local Shriners have created a whole line of crazy hillbilly vehicles that I must say are very entertaining. Let's hope and pray no one uses them as their everyday vehicle.

Ya'll have a Merry Christmas!

So festive!

Yes, that is an ginourmous pair of women's underwear for a door. See what I mean when I said that this was gonna be blog fodder?
And what parade would be complete with out Barney Fife? I have to say I ran out into the street to get his picture! Okay, a complete blog maniac now. But, hey, he showed me his one bullet. Can you beat that?

Keeping our little town safe from Burgermeister Meisterburger!
Finally, I need your help in explaining this last parade picture I have. So after thinking about it, leave a comment here telling me what your take on it is. We live in the Bible belt right? There was float after float of the manger scene, bell choirs from the local churches and a Christian rock singer or two. Then we have the Devil himself.

Nothin' says Christmas like the devil in a Santa hat. That image is burned into my mind. So the local high school's mascot in this God fearing town is the Red Devil. Explain that one to me. It defies logic...
...More merriment to come this week!
Christmas Comes to ClintonChristmas has arrived in our little town in a big way. And it all started with the annual Christmas parade, which I am told is our little town's biggest parade. Hmmm. We were instructed by several Clintonites to be on Broad street in front of the college and bring a gift bag for the kids. Huh? So we dress warmly (for South Carolina) and put Anna in the coat that I wore at that age.

Thanks go to Grandma Debbi for keeping it in such pristine condition!
Well, the parade starts and the candy starts flying(thus the gift bags)! Kids turn into crackheads and go crazy...until he shows up that is, then they all scream in horror. Thank heavens he wasn't handing out candy to the kids or the local police may have arrested him.

What was he thinking?!
Once I saw this scary clown I got all excited like a kid in a candy shop because I knew this was going to be good blog fodder! And they didn't disappoint either. Soon after scary clown passed and the children stopped screaming we were treated to an adorable little elf that seemed to calm the freaked out kiddies. Oh, that and the copious amounts of candy they were throwing out of their truck.

Yes,my friends,their truck. There were many trucks and cars that just had a cute kid or baby in it and the parents showing them off. Really not parade worthy...except in our little town it seems.
Then the piece de resistance occurred.
The Hillbilly Clan Motorcade showed up.

The local Shriners have created a whole line of crazy hillbilly vehicles that I must say are very entertaining. Let's hope and pray no one uses them as their everyday vehicle.

Ya'll have a Merry Christmas!

So festive!

Yes, that is an ginourmous pair of women's underwear for a door. See what I mean when I said that this was gonna be blog fodder?
And what parade would be complete with out Barney Fife? I have to say I ran out into the street to get his picture! Okay, a complete blog maniac now. But, hey, he showed me his one bullet. Can you beat that?

Keeping our little town safe from Burgermeister Meisterburger!
Finally, I need your help in explaining this last parade picture I have. So after thinking about it, leave a comment here telling me what your take on it is. We live in the Bible belt right? There was float after float of the manger scene, bell choirs from the local churches and a Christian rock singer or two. Then we have the Devil himself.

Nothin' says Christmas like the devil in a Santa hat. That image is burned into my mind. So the local high school's mascot in this God fearing town is the Red Devil. Explain that one to me. It defies logic...
...More merriment to come this week!

south carolina
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Great Give Away
Now I know my family and friends well. They like free...
If you want free and possibly something cool and homemade click on Sew, Mama, Sew a fabulous blog that I love. You'll find lots of people out in cyber-world participating in a cool experiment. For instance, check out this amazing give away at This is Life blog. I'm loving it and I think you all will too! Check it out...now...I said, now.
The Great Give AwayIf you want free and possibly something cool and homemade click on Sew, Mama, Sew a fabulous blog that I love. You'll find lots of people out in cyber-world participating in a cool experiment. For instance, check out this amazing give away at This is Life blog. I'm loving it and I think you all will too! Check it out...now...I said, now.

blogs to check out
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Attitude of Gratitude
We're back from our lovefest known to many as Thanksgiving. Back in the day I had a sponsor who would have me write an ABC gratitude list when my attitude was in the toilet. Today, I am happy to report, my attitude is good. But this exercise is always helpful and gives you the opportunity to match pictures to gratitudes. Note: there are not 26 pictures! Good luck!

God, Laurie, you look absolutely gorgeous!

Anna is still talking about playing with Maddie

Maggie was exhausted after the day's activities

It's blurry but captures Sean's ability to seize the moment

The result of Papi Dan and the whipped cream can!

Happy Anniversary, honey! I'll do the dishes.

Gavin loved being the big cousin!

Yummy food!

Exciting game of Chutes & Ladders

I love the "ant shanin"!

uhhh, not sure what's going on here...

It's all worth it for this sweetness...
So now we're back, safe and sound, in our little house and life has continued it's regular daily pace. But the memories sustain me until the next time. Oh, that and maybe a Christmas cookie or two.
Attitude of Gratitude- A - Another photo opportunity
- B - Baby Gallagher #4 coming in June '09
- C - "Cousining"
- D - Delicious food
- E - Erin & Scott's wonderful new home
- F - Fun was had by all
- G - Gallaghers
- H - Hugs, mmmm, hugs
- I - Inlaws
- J - Joy
- K - Kileys
- L - Lazyboy full of love
- M - Making memories
- N - Noise and laughter
- O - Over the river and through the woods...
- P - Prostate Cancer treatments are over
- Q - Quitting smoking
- R - Requests for Piggyback rides honored
- S - Seeing friends and family
- T - Traveling safely
- U - Understanding grandparents
- V - Visit with Santa
- W - Whip cream
- X - Xtra cute kids
- Y - Youngsters & Oldsters alike
- Z - Zzzzz, sleeping kids

God, Laurie, you look absolutely gorgeous!

Anna is still talking about playing with Maddie

Maggie was exhausted after the day's activities

It's blurry but captures Sean's ability to seize the moment

The result of Papi Dan and the whipped cream can!

Happy Anniversary, honey! I'll do the dishes.

Gavin loved being the big cousin!

Yummy food!

Exciting game of Chutes & Ladders

I love the "ant shanin"!

uhhh, not sure what's going on here...

It's all worth it for this sweetness...
So now we're back, safe and sound, in our little house and life has continued it's regular daily pace. But the memories sustain me until the next time. Oh, that and maybe a Christmas cookie or two.

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