Our Elfie has some personality thanks to Great Uncle John who gave Gavin the quirky plush elf when he was too young to remember the gift.
Elfie arrives in our house on St. Nicholas Eve night. The children set a pair of shoes outside their bedroom door before they go to bed. And then when they are fast asleep Elfie works his magic and usually leaves a treat or two and an Advent Calendar for each of them. Well, there was a snag or two this year.
The first snag was Elfie could not locate any advent calendars in our little town or any surrounding towns. So "Plan B" had to be put into place. That involved mama elf wrappping individual pieces of candy with a tag attached that had a number on one side and a "random act of kindness" on the other.

After twenty four pieces of candy were wrapped and labeled for each of the kids, mama elf put them into a cute Santa mug

As you can cleary see, mama elf has way too much time on her hands these days. The better to create memories with I guess, huh? So now a way to collect the tags and visually count down to Christmas had to be created too. Green foam core board, a sharpie marker and silver map tacks did the trick simply.

But all this had to be postponed because on St Nicholas Eve night we met with snag number two: unruly children who wouldn't behave...not even for the pope himself I swear (And I think I did a couple of times that night). Even with the threats that Elfie might not show up if they don't straighten up didn't work. The kids put their shoes out but Elfie didn't show. Instead he left this letter for them:

Well, two days later the kids set their shoes out again in hopes that Elfie would show up the next morning.

This time he did show and left them their mugs and candy. I wish he would have run the sweeper while he was at it. Jeez, you just can't get a good elf these days!
1 comment:
Hee!! I was that client! And I later found that book "Elf on the Shelf" and was SHOCKED!!! I thought my family made it up! That's a kid's point of view, I guess. Now my niece has a Elfie of her own. It's such a fun tradition to morph into your own as you like. I'm so glad Gavin and Anna are enjoying your Elfie and you're sharing it on your fabulous blog! Merry Christmas!!! :) K
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